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Research Profile:

(h index = 15) Scopus.

 60+ Articles in international conferences and top peer-reviewed journals including but not limited to:


  • Fuel.

  • Applied Catalysis-A.

  • Catalysis Letters.

  • Journal of Nanoparticle Research.

  • Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering.

  • Journal of Green Processing and Synthesis.

  • Adsorption Science & Technology


  • 1 Book Chapter.

  • 3 Text Books.

  • 19 Books.

  •  6   Invited book reviews.

  •  2 Conference proceedings.

Key Publications:

  1. Hosam H. Abdelhady, Hany A. Elazab, Emad M. Ewais, Mohamed Saber, Mohamed S. El-Deab, “Efficient Catalytic Production of Biodiesel Using Nano-Sized Sugarbeet Agro-Industrial waste”, Fuel, Volume 261, 116481,  February 2020.

  2. Hany A. Elazab, “Investigation of Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles Supported on Fe3O4 as an Efficient Recyclable Magnetic Catalysts for Suzuki Cross – Coupling, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 97, Issue S1, 1545-1551, 2019.

  3. Hany A. Elazab, M. A. Sadek, and Tamer T. El-Idreesy , “Microwave-assisted synthesis of palladium nanoparticles supported on copper oxide in aqueous medium as an efficient catalyst for Suzuki cross-coupling reaction”, Adsorption Science and Technology, Volume 36, Issue 5-6, 1352-1365, May 2018.

  4. Hany A. Elazab, S. Moussa, Kendra Woodberry, B. Frank Gupton, and M. Samy El-Shall, “Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Pd/Fe3O4 Nanoparticles under flow reaction conditions: A Highly Magnetic and Efficient Catalyst for CO Oxidation”, Journal of Green Processing and Synthesis (GREENPS), Volume 6, Issue 4, 413-424, August 2017.

  5. Hany A. Elazab, S. Moussa, Ali Siamaki, B. Frank Gupton, and M. Samy El-Shall, “The Effect of Graphene on catalytic performance of Palladium Nanoparticles decorated with Fe3O4, Co3O4, and Ni (OH)2 : Potential Efficient Catalysts for Suzuki Cross-Coupling”, Catalysis Letters, Volume 147, Issue 6, 1510–1522, June 2017.

  6. Hany A. Elazab, Ali Siamaki, S. Moussa, B. Frank Gupton, M. S. El-Shall, "Highly Efficient and Magnetically Recyclable Graphene-Supported Pd/Fe3O4 Nanoparticle Catalysts for Suzuki and Heck Cross-Coupling Reactions", Journal of Applied Catalysis A: General, Volume 491, 58-69, 5 February 2015.

  7. Hany A. Elazab, S. Moussa, B. Frank Gupton, M. S. El-Shall, Microwave-assisted synthesis of Pd nanoparticles supported on Fe3O4, Co3O4, and Ni(OH)2 nanoplates and catalysis application for CO oxidation, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 16:2477, June 2014.


Selected Publications:

  1. Hany A. Elazab, M. A. Sadek, Tamer T. El-Idreesy, “Facile Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Oxide-Supported Pd/CuO Nanoparticles as an Efficient Catalyst for Cross-Coupling Reactions”, Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Volume 54, Issue 5, 934-946, September 2019.

  2. Hany A. Elazab, Tamer T. El-Idreesy, “Polyvinylpyrrolidone - Reduced Graphene Oxide - Pd Nanoparticles as an Efficient Nanocomposite for Catalysis Applications in Cross-Coupling Reactions”, Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, Volume 14, Issue 3, 490-501, September 2019.

  3. Hany A. Elazab, Ali R. Siamaki, B. Frank Gupton, M. Samy El-Shall, “Pd-Fe3O4/RGO: a Highly Active and Magnetically Recyclable Catalyst for Suzuki Cross Coupling Reaction using a Microfluidic Flow Reactor”, Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, Volume 14, Issue 3, 478-489, September 2019.

  4. Hany A. Elazab, M. A. Radwan, Tamer T. El-Idreesy, “Facile microwave-assisted synthetic approach to palladium nanoparticles supported on copper oxide as an efficient catalyst for Heck cross-coupling reactions”, " International Journal of Nanoscience", Volume 18, Issue 5, 1850032, June 2019.

  5. M. A. Radwan, Mohamed Adel Rashad, M. A. Sadek, , “Synthesis, Characterization and Selected Application of Chitosan Coated Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, , Volume 54, Issue 2, 303-310, 2019.

  6. Ahmed Y. Zakaria, Dalia A. Ali, Islam M. Al-Akraa, Hoda A. Elsawy, , “Novel Adsorbent for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Applications”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 9, Issue 1, 1219-1225, November 2019.

  7. Abdelrahman Mostafa Kamal, Sherif Bahgat, Mohamed Hammam, , “Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Binary Metallic Oxides for Catalysis ”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 9, Issue 1, 580-582, November, 2019.

  8. Omnia Hamdy, Remon A. Mankarious, M. A. Radwan, M. A. Sadek , Hany A. Elazab, “”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 9, Issue 1, 571-575, November 2019.

  9. Bassant Hussein, Yaser M. Asal, M. A. Radwan, M. A. Sadek, Hany A. Elazab, “”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 9, Issue 1, 576-579, November 2019.

  10. Hany A. Elazab, S. A. Hassan, M. A. Radwan, M. A. Sadek, “Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Graphene supported Hexagonal Magnetite for Applications in Catalysis”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 8, Issue 12, 5511-5513, October 2019.

  11. Hany A. Elazab, M. A. Radwan, M. A. Sadek, “Hydrothermal Synthesis of Palladium nanoparticles supported on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles: an Efficient Magnetic Catalysts for CO Oxidation”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 8, Issue 12, 2792-2794, October 2019.

  12. Tarek M. Aboul-Fotouh, Sherif K. Ibrahim, M. A. Sadek, , “High Octane Number Gasoline-Ether Blend”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 8, Issue 9, 732-739, 2019.

  13. Tarek M. Aboul-Fotouh, Islam Alaa, M. A. Sadek, , “Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Ethanol–Diesel Blend Fuel”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 8, Issue 9, 740-747, 2019.

  14. Hany A. Elazab, M. M. Seleet, Said M. A. Hassanein, M. A. Radwan, M. A. Sadek, “Synthesis and Characterization of Dinitro Pentamethylene Tetramine (DPT)”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System, Volume 11, Issue 5S, 310-318, July 2019.

  15. Hany A. Elazab, M. M. Seleet, Said M. A. Hassanein, M. A. Radwan, M. A. Sadek, “Follow-up and Kinetic Model Selection of Dinitro Pentamethylene Tetramine (DPT)”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 8, Issue 8, 2862-2866, June 2019.

  16. Hany A. Elazab, Mamdouh Gadall, M. A. Sadek, Tamer T. El-Idreesy, “Hydrothermal Synthesis of Graphene supported Pd/Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as an Efficient Magnetic Catalysts for Suzuki Cross – Coupling”, Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, Volume 9, Issue 2, 3906-3911, April 2019.

  17. Hany A. Elazab, M. M. Seleet, Said M. A. Hassanein, M. A. Radwan, M. A. Sadek, “3,7-Dinitro-1,3,5,7-Tetraazabicyclo[3,3,1]Nonane (DPT): An Important Intermediate in the Synthesis Route of one of the Most Powerful Energetic Materials (RDX/HMX)”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 8, Issue 452, 88-95, March 2019.

  18. Hany A. Elazab, Tamer T. El-Idreesy, “Optimization of the Catalytic Performance of Pd/Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Prepared via Microwave-assisted Synthesis for Pharmaceutical and Catalysis Applications”, Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, Volume 9, Issue 1, 3794-3799, February 2019.

  19. M. A. Radwan, Omar Al-Sweasy, M. A. Sadek, , “Investigating the Agricultural Applications of Acryl Amide based Hydrogel”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), Volume 7, Issue 4.29, 168-171, 2019.

  20. Fatma Zakaria, M. A. Radwan, M. A. Sadek, , “Insulating material based on shredded used tires and inexpensive polymers for different roofs”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), Volume 7, Issue 4, 1983-1988, 2019.

  21. Reem Nasser, M. A. Radwan, M. A. Sadek, , “Preparation of insulating material based on rice straw and inexpensive polymers for different roofs”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), Volume 7, Issue 4, 1989-1994, 2019.

  22. Mostafa Ghobashy, Mamdouh Gadallah, Tamer T. El-Idreesy, M. A. Sadek, , “Kinetic Study of Hydrolysis of Ethyl Acetate using Caustic Soda”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), Volume 7, Issue 4, 1995-1999, 2018.

  23. Nourhan Sherif Samir, Mostafa A. Radwan, M. A. Sadek, Hany A. Elazab, “Preparation and Characterization of Bullet-Proof Vests Based on Polyamide Fibers”,” International Journal of Engineering and Technology”, Volume 7, Issue 3, 1290-1294, July 2018.

  24. Basant Ashraf, Mostafa A. Radwan, M. A. Sadek, Hany A. Elazab, “Preparation and Characterization of Decorative and Heat Insulating Floor Tiles for Buildings Roofs”,” International Journal of Engineering and Technology", Volume 7, Issue 3, 1295-1298, July 2018.

  25. Hany A. Elazab, “Laser Vaporization and Controlled Condensation (LVCC) of Graphene supported Pd/Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as an Efficient Magnetic Catalysts for Suzuki Cross – Coupling.”, "Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry", Volume 8, Issue 3, 3314 – 3318, June 2018.

  26. Hany A. Elazab, “The catalytic Activity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles towards Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Catalysis: Microwave – Assisted Synthesis Approach”, "Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry", Volume 8, Issue 3, 3278 – 3281, June 2018.

  27. Waad Mohsen, Mohamed A. Sadek, Hany A. Elazab, “Green Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in Aqueous Medium as a Potential Efficient Catalyst for Catalysis Applications”, "International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research", Volume 12, Issue 24, 14927-14930, December 2017.

  28. Remon A. Manakrious, Mostafa A. Radwan, Mostafa Shazly, Hany A. Elazab, “Bulletproof Vests/Shields Prepared from Composite Material Based on Strong Polyamide Fibers and Epoxy”, " "Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences", Volume 12, Issue 10, Page No.: 1179-1185, July 2017.

  29. Marwa Mohamed Naeem, Mostafa A. Radwan, Mohamed A. Sadek, Hany A. Elazab, “Mechanical characteristics for different composite materials based on commercial epoxy resins and different fillers”, "Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences", Volume 12, Issue 5, Page No.: 1179-1185, May 2017.

  30. Mostafa A. Radwan, Omar H. Al-Sweasy, Hany A. Elazab, “Preparation of Hydrogel Based on Acryl Amide and Investigation of Different Factors Affecting Rate and Amount of Absorbed Water”, Journal of Agricultural Sciences (AS), Vol.8 No.2 issue in February 2017.  


International Conference Papers:

  1. M. A. Sadek, M. A. Radwan, Tamer T. El-Idreesy, Hany A. Elazab, “Pd Nanoparticles supported on Copper oxide Prepared via Microwave – Assisted Synthesis: an Efficient Catalyst for Suzuki Cross-Coupling”, “5th Edition of Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology”, London, UK, 16-18 September 2019.

  2. Hany A. Elazab, Sherif Moussa, Ali R. Siamaki, B. Frank Gupton, M. S. El-Shall, “Micro Reactor Technology: Flow Chemistry Impact on Applied Catalysis”, “Global Congress on Advancement in Catalysis and Chemical Engineering Process”, Madrid, Spain, December 5-6, 2018.

  3. Hany A. Elazab, Jordan Carroll, Sherif Moussa, B. Frank Gupton, M. S. El-Shall, Laser Vaporization and Controlled Condensation (LVCC): Graphene supported Pd/Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as an Efficient Magnetic Catalyst for Suzuki Cross – Coupling, “Global Congress on Advancement in Catalysis and Chemical Engineering Process”, Madrid, Spain, December 5-6, 2018.

  4. Perihan Hussein El-Shafei, Mohamed S. El-Deab, M.A.Sadek, and Hany Elazab,”Cyesteine as Eco-Friendly Corrosion Inhibitor”, 13th Paris International Conference on Chemical, Agriculture, Biological and Environmental Sciences (PABEMS-18), Paris, France, Sept. 17-19, 2018.

  5. Hany A. Elazab, Kendra W. Brinkley, B. Frank Gupton, M. S. El-Shall, “The flow reactor technology as a modern synthetic tool for preparation of Pd/Fe3O4 nanoparticles as a high efficient magnetic catalyst for co oxidation”, “4th International Conference on Chemical Engineering”, Vancouver, Canada, September 17-18, 2018.

  6. Hany A. Elazab, “2nd Global Conference and Expo on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology”, October 15-17, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  7. Waad Mohsen, Mohamed A. Sadek, Hany A. Elazab, “Copper Oxide Nanoparticles as a Highly Efficient Catalyst for Catalysis Applications”, " 13 th International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology, [ESPST – 2017], October 2017.

  8. Remon A. Manakrious, Mostafa A. Radwan, Mostafa Shazly, Hany A. Elazab, “Bulletproof Vests/Shields Prepared from Composite Material Based on Strong Polyamide Fibers and Epoxy”, " 2 nd International Conference on Sciences, Technology and Social Sciences”, July 11, 2017, Malaysia.

  9. Marwa Mohamed Naeem, Mostafa A. Radwan, Mohamed A. Sadek, Hany A. Elazab, “Mechanical characteristics for different composite materials based on commercial epoxy resins and different fillers”, "International Conference on Sciences, Technology and Social Sciences”, 13-14 February, 2017, Dubai, UAE.

  10. Hany A. Elazab, S. Moussa, B. Frank Gupton, M. S. El-Shall, Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Metal Oxides Nanoparticles: An Efficient Heterogenous Catalysts for Applications in Pollution Control Technologies, International Conference on Pollution Control and Sustainable Environment, April 25-26, 2016, Dubai, UAE

  11. Hany A. Elazab, “Graphene-Supported Metal Nanoparticles and Its Potential Civilian and Military Applications”, 7th International Conference on Chemical & Environmental Engineering of the Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt, 27 – 29 May 2014.

  12. Hany A. Elazab, “Effect of Temperature and Time Variation on the yield of: Dinitro Pentamethylene Tetramine (DPT) Prepared in a New Pathway From Hexamine Dinitrate”, “International Conference on Chemical Engineering" ICCE", San Francisco,USA, 24-26 October 2012.

  13. Hany A. Elazab, Omar Al Farouk, “Preparation and Characterization of Dinitro Pentamethylene Tetramine (DPT)”, 8th International Scientific Conference, 8th International Conference On Chemical & Environmental Engineering of the University of Cairo, Cairo, Egypt, 25-28 Nov. 2008.

  14. Hany A. Elazab, Omar Al Farouk, “Effect of Temperature and Time Variation on The Yield and Conversion of Dinitro Pentamethylene Tetramine (DPT) Prepared from Hexamine Dinitrate”, 8th International Scientific Conference, 8th International Conference On Chemical & Environmental Engineering of the University of Cairo, Cairo, Egypt, 25-28 Nov. 2008.

  15. Hany A. Elazab, Omar Al Farouk, “Conversion of Hexamine Dinitrate into Dinitro Pentamethylene  Tetramine:   Follow – up and Kinetic model selection (Fluid-Particle Kinetic Model)”, 8th International Scientific Conference, 8th International Conference On  Chemical & Environmental Engineering of the University of Cairo, Cairo, Egypt, 25-28 Nov. 2008.

  16. Hany A. Elazab, “Conversion of Hexamine Dinitrate into Dinitro Pentamethylene  Tetramine:   Follow – up and Kinetic model selection (Fluid-Particle Kinetic Model)”, "International Conference on Chemical Engineering" ICCE", San Francisco,USA, 22-24 October 2008.

  17. Hany A. Elazab, M. M. Seleet, S. A. Hassanein, “Conversion of Hexamine Dinitrate into Dinitro Pentamethylene Tetramine: Follow – up and Kinetic model selection”, 37th International Annual Conference of ICT, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany,27-30 June 2006.

  18. Hany A. Elazab, M. M. Seleet, S. A. Hassanein, “Conversion of Hexamine Dinitrate into Dinitro Pentamethylene  Tetramine:   Follow – up and Kinetic model selection”, 3rd International Conference on Chemical & Environmental Engineering of the Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt, 16 – 18 May 2006.

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